Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference 2007
Hello Folks,
We are back from APRRC Malaysia 2007 held between 24 - 28 August 2007!! There were like 32 delegates from District 3310 and this time from Rotaract Club of Marina City we had 3 representatives namely Qiaoyun, Picasso & myself. We certainly had a great time there!
Enjoy the photo spread from all of us! Cheers =)
Warm smiles,
Matthew Phua
Saturday, September 01, 2007
NUS Rotaract Installation 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Coming Soon.
Rotaract Club of Marina City will have a permanent home at
Stay tuned.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Welcome President of RAC Marina City 2007/2008

Dear fellow Rotaractors of District 3310,
The Rotaract Club of Marina City has just concluded our Presidential Election. We are pleased to announce that the Rotaract Club of Marina City has elected Rotaractor Lilian Song, District Honorary Secretary (District 3310) / International Service Director (RACMC) to be our President Elect 2006-2007.
President Elect Lilian Song will be taking over the office of President on 1st of July 2007 from President Picasso Lin. The Rotaract Club of Marina City congratulates President Elect Lilian Song on her successful election and hopes that PE Lilian will lead RAC Marina City to greater heights! Congratulations PE Lilian!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Rotary Carnival 2007 at IMM
Good evening to all,
Our day kicks off with sunny weather and lovely crowd to our stall at the beginning of the event when coming to almost lunch time the wet weather came in and our revenue for games is greatly affected. Some summary of what we done in the event.
We had a total of 3 games namely the Basketball, soccer and the dartball. We also have a total of 7 members namely Guoxing, Dennis, Jaslyn, Qiaoyun, Anthony, Jean and Picasso myself. Other helpers include guests like Alvin and Kay Lay; not forgetting also 4 lovely helpers from Hwa Chong Institution and NJC. Our total gross earning hit a peak of $380 plus and estimate getting back should be around $200.
I like to thanks President Gladys from our sponsoring Rotary Club, the Rotary Club of Marina City, who has supported our booth with her coupons. On average, I feel that our members have done quite well this time after gaining experiences from the past events like the "Lilies on the River".
Rtr Anthony Zheng Gao, our Organizing Chairman for this event has gained much more confidence from this event and I also believe he can handle the next or few more of this fund rasing projects with much ease.
From here I will like to thank all my members, guests and volunteers who have help us in this event without you all we will never succeed in this fund raising event.
Thanks you.
Best Regards,
President Picasso
RAC Marina City
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Ice Skating on 19 November!

Join us on 19 November for Ice Skating at Jurong East Entertainment at Fuji Ice Palace
Place to Meet : Jurong East MRT Popular Bookstore
Time: 1130 am
Things to Bring : Bring 2 X LONG SOCKS, gloves, sweater
Optional : Elbow and Knee Guard, Safety Helmet
Suggest Attire : Jeans, wear skirt or dress at your own risk
Price : Group for 4: $48.30 for unlimited hours
Skates Rental: $3.20 per skater
Please let me know if you're going. See you there!
Rtr. Aksel Yap
Club Service Director
RAC Marina City
Photoshot from the Ice Skating Session at Fuji Ice Palace.

Picture clockwise from Left: Rtr Lilian Song (IS Director 06/07), Vice President Lee Guoxing, Hon. Secretary Korina Seah HuiLi, Hon. Tres Jiang Qiaoyun, Rtr Anthony Zheng Gao (PD Director), Rtr Jessica, President Picasso Robert Lin Guo Rong & Rtr Dennis Toh.
To quote our dear President Picasso on how much he himself enjoy this outing together with the Rtrs in our club:" Went with some friends it been quite a memorable time and always will be. We have been falling and falling to learn how to skate. Some are quite gifted to start skating without falling."
Friday, October 20, 2006
Visit to our Sister Club Rotaract Club of Paraiso, Philippines
Hello Everybody,
Sometime back President Picasso & myself visited our Sister Club, the Rotaract Club of Paraiso Quezon City. The above photos were some extracted photos from our trip there. One fine day, I just raised up the idea of going to the Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference with Pres. Picasso. Since APRRC is going to be at Phils, I propose to Picasso that we visited our sister club too...The next thing, we know like action speaks louder than words in RAC Marina City, we were onboard Tiger Airways making our there to reunite with our Rotaract brothers & sisters in Quezon City. And they all say a picture speaks a thousand words, without further ado... please enjoy the photos' spread ^^
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
RAC Marina City 13th Rotaract Installation 06-07

29th of July 2006 marked the beginning of a new chapter for the Rotaract Club of Marina City. It was the day we had our 13th Rotaract Installation of our new President, President Picasso Lin Guo Rong & our new Club Officers for the RY 2006/2007. The Installation had a good turn out of guests. District Governor Dr Wu Dar Ching was our Guest of Honour for this installation themed the "Da Vinci Code" held at Conrad Centennial Hotel.

Other important guests included District Rotaract Chairman Past President John Ng, District Interact Chairman President Elect Wilfred P. James, Rotary President Gladys Goh of Rotary Club of Marina City, District Rotaract Representative Past President Muhammad Zakir, District Officers For RAC D3310 & even our Charter President Anna Lim.

The installation commenced with a roll call and toasting followed by a speech by our sponsoring Rotary Club President, President Gladys Goh. District Governor, the Governor with the biggest heart, Dr Wu Dar Ching was invited up on stage to give his speech as our Guest of Honour. Outgoing President Matthew Phua then made his outgoing speech as President of RAC Marina City. This was followed by the installation of incoming President, Rtr. Picasso Lin Guo Rong who then made his speech as our new President for Rotaract Club of Marina City.

Of course, like every installation we have in our club's history, RAC Marina City has always made it a point to induct new members and bring in new blood for our club. This year's installation, we warmly welcome 5 new Rotaractors into the Rotaract family namely: Rtr. Jimmy Huang, Rtr. Dennis Toh, Rtr Norman Ng, Rtr. Jiang Qiaoyun & Rtr. Christina Mak. We are equally delighted to be able to tap into the experiences of Qiaoyun & Christina both of whom are former Rotaractors from RAC Singapore Polytechnic and have decided to continue their journey through Rotaract with RAC Marina City after graduating from school.

Installation of the New Board of Directors followed. Pictured from left our new club officers: Rtr Anthony Zheng Gao (PD Director 06-07), Rtr Amanda Huang Huiping (Community Service Director 06-07), District Hon. Secretary Rtr. Lilian Song (International Service Director 06-07), Rtr Aksel Yap (Club Service Director 06-07), District Marcom Director PP Matthew Phua (Immediate Past President), Rtr Jiang Qiaoyun (Hon. Treasurer), Rtr Korina Seah HuiLi (Hon. Secretary), Vice President Lee Guoxing & President Picasso Lin Guo Rong.

High Tea then commences with Raffle Draw tickets being sold to help us fundraise to support the community outreach program we have planned for RY 2006/2007. There was also Dutch Auction where our kind Rotarians from our sponsoring Rotary Club sponsored a 2 Days 1 Night stay at Conrad inclusive of complimentary breakfast, Dinner for 2 at Oscar's & French wine.

We will like to thank all Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, Guests & friends for making our 13th Installation a memorable one.
We hope to see all of you in future Rotaract events soon!
Yours in Rotaract,
Picasso Lin Guo Rong
President 2006/2007
Rotaract Club of Marina City
Friday, July 07, 2006
Holiday Fiesta @ Xingnan Primary School
BY :Rtr Lee Guoxing(Vice President 2006/2007, RAC Marina City)
The Holiday Fiesta was held from 7th to 9th Jun 2006 at Xingnan Primary School. It was a tripartite effort put in by the school social worker from Whispering Hearts Family Service Centre together with 64 volunteers from The Rotaract Club of Marina City and the Interact Club of National Junior College. A hundred and forty-four students participated in this 3-day experiential, educational and fun-filled camp.
The objectives were three folds. Firstly, to engage students in constructive activities during their holidays. Secondly, to allow students from different classes to come together to forge a greater network of friendships in school. Thirdly, to outreach to students and their parents living within the community, to raise their awareness of the Family Service Centre so that they can approach for help and assistance in family matters.
The students were engaged in all kinds of team-building activities that surfaced their leadership qualities and creativity. They visited a fish farm and learned about nature and its ecological systems. On the last day, students and volunteers put together a grand performance for parents and teachers to mark the finale of the fiesta.
Students, volunteers and workers went home with tired bodies, enriched minds, enlivened spirits and the awareness that a part of their lives have been touched and changed by each other over the last three days.
You can view the picture of the event over at the link below.
Holiday Children Fiesta Day 1
Holiday Children Fiesta Day 2
Holiday Children Fiesta Day 3
Thursday, April 06, 2006

From the earliest days of the organization, Rotarians were concerned with promoting high ethical standards in their professional lives. One of the world's most widely printed and quoted statements of business ethics is The 4-Way Test, which was created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor (who later served as RI president) when he was asked to take charge of a company that was facing bankruptcy.
This 24-word test for employees to follow in their business and professional lives became the guide for sales, production, advertising, and all relations with dealers and customers, and the survival of the company is credited to this simple philosophy. Adopted by Rotary in 1943, The 4-Way Test has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways. It asks the following four questions:
"Of the things we think, say or do:
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"
Sunday, April 02, 2006

Picture: President Matthew, President Wee Yik Chuang & ZD Dr. Dharma
The Youth in Action Seminar was held this afternoon at Copthorne Orchid Hotel. This seminar was well received by the Interact Clubs and was attended by more than 90% of the Rotaract Clubs in D3310 with over 200 attendees inclusive of Rotarians.

Picture: RAC Marina City, Saints & Dunmanites with Rtn. June Jonet our New Gen Dir 06/07
The seminar started with PP Ron Pereira of RC Raffles City who talked to everybody about the Family of Rotary as a whole. Following which we had our Rotarian Wilfred James of Rotary Club of Marina City who is also the Incoming District Interact Chairman to talk about Rotary's Vision and Goals for Interact. Assistant Governor John Ng (incoming District Rotaract Chairman) of the Rotary Club of Changi then briefed us on the Rotary's Vision & Goals for Rotaract.

Picture: President Elect Picasso & Rtr. Lilian Song
We were very honoured and priviledged also to have three very senior Rotaractors to share with us of their amazing journeys through Rotaract namely: Rotaractor Kim Huang, PDRR Oscar Lee & DRR Audrey Cheong.
Kim for example shared with all present of her experiences being an Interactor and adventures later a Rotary Youth Exchange student. PDRR Oscar shared his vast wealth of experiences and knowledge about Rotaract as a Rotaractor. We had DRR Audrey Cheong to talk to all about her many achievements as District Rotaract Representative 2005/2006 of District 3310.

Picture: Rtn June Jonet, PP Jane, PP Jerry, PE Picasso & Comm. Svc. Dir Guoxing
There were also 4 Rotary Youth Exchange students from abroad to talk to us including Pedro whom some of the Rotaractors of D3310 had met at Rotaract Interact District Conference.
After the teabreak PP Ron Pereira guided the Rotarian Advisers, Teacher Advisers and School Principals about their Roles and Responsibilities and challenges in the new Rotary Year. Rtn Jimmy Ooi & VP Leslie Sim then shared with all other popular international and lesser known Youth Programs of Rotary International.

Picture: Our Comm. Svc. Director Guoxing & PE Picasso
It has been a long time since we had such a huge turn out and support for a Rotaract event; getting reunited with old friends and meeting new ones. Let's continue to keep this Rotaract spirit and passion going strong! Stay true to what you what to achieve for Rotaract & above all, enjoy the Rotaracting!
For full photos of this Youth In Action Seminar, please visit:
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Picture: Sui Chen with the children from Macpherson Moral FSC
Rotaractor Fuzzy Wazzy likes community service! So do the Rotaractors of the Rotaract Club of Marina City!! :) When most of the young people our age were sleeping on a sleepy Sunday morning, some 14 over Rotaractors & Guests from our Rotaract Club participated in this joint community service with SAFRA for 20 kids of Macpherson Moral Family Service Center.

Picture: Bowling coach at work to teach the kids the bowling techniques.
The day begin with President Matthew meeting up with Mr. Paul Goh the centre Program Coordinator together with the kids early at 9am before making their way to meet Rtr. Amanda (Organizer) & the others at SAFRA Tampines.
Introduction of bowling games, rules & regulations were taught by the two bowling coaches. There was also a mini tour around SAFRA Tampines bowling centre to let the kids know its operation. This was followed by demonstration by bowling coaches on the proper techniques.
After the above were completed, there was a friendly bowling competition between the kids with the Rotaractors and guests cheering the kids on. We had the kids divided into two teams namely,"The Incredible Bowlers" & "The Spy Kids". The names of the teams were of course thought up by the kids themselves; see how creative they are!

Pictures: Learning it correctly the proper techniques.
We found out that some of the kids were pretty gifted and talented in bowling! We are pretty sure some of them will join the national bowling team of Singapore in the future! Till then do look out for our next community outreach program.
For full photos of this project please visit:
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Picture: PE Picasso our incoming Rotaract Club President 2006/2007
Dear fellow Rotaractors,
The President Election for President 2006/2007 for RAC Marina City is offically concluded.
Pleased to announce that the Board of Directors 2005/2006 has elected Picasso as our new Rotaract Club President to "Lead the Way" for 2006/2007.
PE Picasso is shortlisting his team right now and will update with the progress as soon as he got his BOD 2006/2007 up.
Congratulations PE Picasso!
Friday, March 10, 2006
Dear fellow Rotaractors of District 3310, For the first time, the 16th Rotary International District 3310 Assembly will be including a "Youth in Action" Seminar specifically for SNG Directors, Rotarian Advisors, Rotaractors, Interactors, Teacher Advisors and School Principals. The objective of this Seminar is to increase the awareness of the Family of Rotary which includes Rotaract Clubs. There will also be open forums to discuss issues, challenges and solution in working together as a Family of Rotary.
The details are as follows:
Date: 1st April 2006
Time: 2.30pm to 5.30 pm
Location: Copthorne Orchid Hotel, Aerides 2 Rm. (off Dunearn Rd)
In support of the Youth in Action Seminar, 18 participants from Marina City's New Generation will be present for this seminar.
Dunman Interact Club
1. Humayra bte Mohamed Naser (incoming President)
2. Andre Rufino Pereira (incoming Vice President)
3. Nur Humairah Bte Shaik Dawood (incoming secretary)
4. Mr Lau Sheow Tong (Assistant Teacher Advisor)
Saints Interact Club
5. Justin Chua
6. Basil Lam
7. Jeremy Hwang
8. Sankar Natarasa
Rotaract Club of Marina City
(9) President Matthew Phua
(10) President Elect Picasso Lin Guorong
(11) Vice President Shirlyn Looi
(12) Rotaract District Secretary 06/07 Lilian Song
(13) Past President Jerry Lim
(14) Past President Ivan Teo
(15) Past President Jane Wong
(16) Vice President 06/07 Lee Guoxing
Rotary Club of Marina City
(17) District Interact Chairman 06/07 Rtn Wilfred James
(18) New Gen Director June Jonet
Members & Guests of RAC Marina City are welcome to email President Matthew at, should you be keen to participate in this seminar.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Picture: The new addition to the family - She will grow up to be a lovely lady!
Dear fellow Rotaractors,
Please join us in extending a BIG welcome & well wishes to the arrival of baby Kimberly Er on the 2nd of February 2006! Congratulations to our IPDRR Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Er on the arrival of your new born daughter. She is a real sweetie having inherited all of Daddy's & Mummy's great genes.
I will have more to tell you all in due course, but for now it is enough to say that mother and baby are doing well, are now at home and in need of a good rest. And Daddy Adrian is very very proud.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Picture: Kids Have Fun Camp 2004 with students from Xingnan Primary School
Dear Fellow Rotaractors of RAC Marina City,
The Rotaract Club of Marina City is proud to announce yet another community service project. This time round, we are organizing a Kids' Fiesta for 200 to 250 primary 1 to primary 3 school students from Xingnan Primary School.
The date for this meaningful community service project is set on 7th to 9th of June 2006. Organizing Chairperson for this community outreach program is none other than our caring Rotaractor Lee Guo Xing who is also our Community Service Director for 2005/2006.
We are looking for lots of manpower for this project, if you are free during this period of time and would like to help out please do not hesitate to contact Guoxing at
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
RFSC Elderly Outing with RCMC

Picture: Hon. Sec. Picasso, PP Jane Wong & our Comm. Svc. Director Guoxing
As a community based club, we are quite proactive in our community outreach program & efforts. Likewise during Chinese New Year this year, our Rotaract Club of Marina City participated in this joint community service project with the Rotary Club of Marina City to bring the elderly from the Rotary Family Service Centre in Clementi to the National Orchid Garden.

Picture: Guoxing & Picasso sharing a light moment with the RFSC elders
The guys with the golden hearts of the Rotaract Club of Marina City. Who says that all the good guys in the world are dead? We got some very eligible & kind hearted guys at the Rotaract Club of Marina City :) We proceed to lunch at Yum Cha Restaurant at Chinatown.

Picture: PP Jane Wong our Overall IC for the day.
The Yum Cha Restaurant in Chinatown was on the top of our list. Yum Cha is seen as a treat to the Chinese Elderly as they do not get a chance to go for yum cha often.

Picture: Another photo of the Rotaractors together with the elders
Giving oneself to other people, one way or another, is one of the great joys of living. Nothing we get or take equals the joy of giving. How unfortunate so many people never discover it.

Picture: Picture of everybody with our sponsoring Rotary Club of Marina City
Many thanks to the kind Rotaractors making time for this project. Photos from this community service project can be downloaded here. Well done everybody!
Sunday, February 05, 2006

Picture: Lovely Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Temasek Poly

Picture: PP Chris Chan with Rotaractors of Rotaract Club of Marina City

Picture: One table full of new year goodies.

Picture: Tossing of "Yu Sheng" for good luck in the Year of the Dog
There was a Chinese New Year celebration and open house at PP Jane Wong's place. Some of the current board of directors from RAC Marina City had the rare opportunity to meet up with the wonderful senior Rotaractors. Lots of familiar faces were there namely: PP Chris Chan, Kim Kim, Lilian Song, Huili, Shufen, Anthony Zheng Gao and many more. Many thanks to Jane in organizing this excellent fellowship :) May the Year of the Dog be a year of prosperity & success ahead especially after we tossed the "Yu Sheng" and had such a table feast of festive food. Hope all of you bring home a smile like Picasso after this wonderful dinner! Gong Xi Fa Cai, Wan Shi Ru Yi everybody! For more photos of this CNY fellowship, click here.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Dear Everybody,
Please be reminded that there is a Rotaract Zonal Meeting
for RID 3310 Zone 3 Singapore this Friday.
Details are as follows:
Singapore Management University
Lee Kong Chian School of Business
Network Seminar Room 3.1
Date: 3 February 2006 (Friday)
Time: 7.30PM
It would be also a good time to meet up again during this festive period.
Bring along your CNY goodies and share the love :)
See you there!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Dear Everybody,
Chinese New Year is around the corner. As some of the Rotaractors of the club will know, it is part of our Marina City Rotaract & Rotary Clubs' traditions to do a bit of community service during this time.
Last year, the Rotary & Rotaract Clubs of Marina City brought the old folks of the Rotary Family Service Center in Clementi to the River Hong Bao for outing. Similarly for this year we are also keeping to the tradition of having the Elderly outing.
The following are some points that RCMC & RFSC have came up:
We shall start the outing at 9.30am on Sunday, 5th Feb 2006.
The outing would be to the Orchid Garden at the Botanical Gardens.
We will proceed to lunch at about 11am or 11.30am.
Restaurant is yet to be decided.
The Yum Cha Restaurant in Tao Payoh or Chinatown would be on the top of our list. Yum Cha is seen as a treat to the Chinese Elderly as they do not get a chance to go for yum cha often. After lunch, we will head back to the centre.
We should be back here by about 2 pm.
Option B: if it rains then we will take the Elderly for a city tour - we could engage a tour guide to talk about the interesting landmarks as we pass them.
Volunteers for this Elderly Outing are needed during this time. Should you be keen on this project, please email me and I will get back to you asap with further details as soon as I get them.
Thank you & best regards.
Matthew Phua
Matthew Phua
President 05/06
Rotaract Club of Marina City
+65 8100 9301 (HP)
Sunday, January 29, 2006
The Rotaract Club of Marina City would like to wish all Rotaractors, Rotarians, Interactors & friends a Happy Chinese New Year ahead. May the Year of the Dog brings success, prosperity, good health & peace to everybody.
There will be a Chinese New Year open house potluck dinner at PP Jane Wong's place. Date is 5th of February 2006 (Sunday) after community service with the Rotary Family Service Center.
Kindly please email Jane at should you be free to join us for an evening of fellowship. See you there!
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Romance Ville - Love is in the Air!
Love is in the Air! The Rotary Club of Marina City is organizing a romantic Charity Dinner for the coming Valentine's Day.

Please join us for a wonderful night of love & romance on 14th February 2006 (Thursday) at Conrad Hotel for a Valentine's Charity Dinner from 7.11pm onwards!
Expect performances, celebrity host, romantic dinner, rose gift, silent auction & raffle draw including Top Grade Quality Bird's Nest, Dining Vounchers, air tickets, hotel stays, silent auction and more. Net proceeds will go to the Foundation of Rotary Clubs of Singapore for the Rotary Family Service Center.
Tickets are available per couple at $200 (fixed table of 5 couples), $238 (open table), and $288 (exclusive private table).
Visit the follwing website for more information:
To reserve your tickets, please email President David S. Scott of Rotary Club of Marina City at:
Friday, December 23, 2005

President Matthew together with the Board of Directors 2005/2006 & Rotaractors of RAC Marina City would like to wish all Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Interactors a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ahead!!!
Happy Holidays!!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Dear Fellow Rotaractors and Interactors,
Greetings to all of you!
The Rotaract Club of Johor Bahru and Tanjung Puteri are proud to inform you that we will be hosting the Rotaract Interact District 3310 Conference for the year 2006.
The organizing committee cordially invites you to the above event to be held:
Date: 17th February 2006 - 19th February 2006
Venue: Tanjung Puteri Resort, Pasir Gudang, Johor
What's in store for participants:
1) BBQ dinner
2) Waterpolo, swimming and other activities
3) Bowling Tournament
4) Fellowship and more more more....
Rotaractors' Special Package:
Package includes 3-days 2 nights twin sharing accommodation, all meals, conference venue and resort facilities. I.e.: swimming pool, sauna, polo pool and lots more.
Interactors' Special Package:
Package includes 2 days 1 night twin sharing accommodation and all meals, conference venue and resort facilities ie. swimming pool, sauna, polo pool and lots more.
Registration form can be downloaded at the following link:
RIDC Registration Form
Early Bird Closing Date for Registration is 31st December 2005.
Closing date for all participants: 15th January 2006!!!
Enquiries please email:
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Christmas Party 2005 at Conrad Hotel

Picture: Honorary Secretary Picasso Lin Guorong with the kids from Rotary Family Service Centre
Dear fellow Rotaractors of the Rotaract Club of Marina City and District 3310, last Saturday our Rotaract Club participated in a truly meaningful community service project with our sponsoring Rotary Club of Marina City to celebrate Christmas early this year. The fellowing is the project report of what we did. We had some 30 children from the Rotary Family Service Centre on this special occasion at Conrad Hotel. some of you might not know but it is part of our Rotary Club's traditions to organize meaningful community service project in festive period like this project that aims to give the children who are less priviledged than us to experience the feeling of celebrating Christmas.
Picture: President Matthew Phua & our guest Ms. Tan Qi Xiang
Picture: A very nice Christmas party
The children had an afternoon of fun and laughter playing games with our Rotarians and Rotaractors. The games were designed by Guoxing and Picasso who made great efforts to think of the games that the children liked. There were also fine Christmas treats for the children like wonderful spread of buffet, baked ginger bread man, Christmas log cakes and most importantly the kids' favourite flavours ice creams with toppings of chocolate chips and M & M's to accompany with. There was also a goodies bag each for the children to take home with them.
All these were kindly sponsored and made possible by VP Heinrich Grafe of Conrad Hotel, Rotarian Jude, PE Gladys Goh and Rotarians of RCMC .
Picture: PP Rtn. Roberto "Santa" Fabbri with the kids
Past President Rotarian Roberto Fabbri was in to entertain the children by dressing as Santa Claus and even gave out Christmas presents in the form of cute Conrad Teddy Bears to the children who were especially delighted to see Santa Claus.
Many thanks to the Rotaractors and guests who came down and help out on Saturday!
Thursday, November 24, 2005

Dear fellow Rotaractors & Guests of RAC Marina City,
On the 3rd of December 2005 (Saturday), our Rotaract Club will be celebrating Christmas with 34 children from the Rotary Family Service Centre.
Venue: Conrad Centennial Hotel
Time: 2pm - 5pm
This is a community service project in support for & together with Rotary Club of Marina City which is our sponsoring Rotary Club. The Organizing Chairperson for this project is our Past President Rtn Dr Kwok Wai Mun, Director of Community Service from Rotary Club of Marina City.
Kindly please arrive at Conrad at 2.30p.m. or slightly earlier to welcome the children.
Goodie bags & presents has been prepared for all the kids.
Past President Rtn. Roberto Fabbri will be playing Santa Claus.
The party should finish by 4.30p.m. - latest 5.00 p.m.
Kindly RSVP by 27th November 2005, Sunday to confirm attendance for this event.
Should you require additional clarification or further information please do not hesitate to contact President Matthew Phua via email at or handphone +65 8100 9301
Thank you & best regards.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Picture: Rotaractors & SAFRA volunteers with the kids.
19th of November 2005 (Sat), our Rotaract Club of Marina City as part of our community outreach program participated in this Kids' Outing to the Singapore Zoo with SAFRA Tampines. The Rotaractors and guests met at Ang Mo Kio MRT station control at 9am in the morning before taking bus service 138 from Ang Mo Kio Interchange that took us directly to the Singapore Zoo.
Picture: President Matthew Phua with one of the kids
The children were especially excited to seeing their favourite animals especially those children who were going to the zoo for the first time. In total, we had 24 kids from the Tampines Family Service Centre as well as some 6 children from the Spastic Children Association who participated in this project.
Picture: Our guest Ms. Tan Qi Xiang with one of the kids
It was not an easy task taking care of the children who are ever so hyperactive and energetic but the Rotaractors and guests have themselves proud by meeting up to the challenge. There were quite a lot of animals in the zoo. We found out that the children favourite animals were the giraffles, horses, tigers, polar bears and the animal land in the zoo with animals like sheeps and small pigs.
Picture: Playing with the horses and other animals in Animal Land
Lunch was at KFC restaurant whereby attractive prizes were given to the kids for giving the correct answers to the quiz the volunteers have thought up for them. We also found out that children likes playing at the Bubble Bowl playground the most which is a big pool fill with multi-coloured balls.
Picture: The children enjoying themselves in the Bubble Bowl
Many thanks to the Rotaractors & guests who partipated and volunteered their time in this community service project. They are namely Rtr. Lee Guoxing (Community Service Director 05/06), Rtr. Picasso Robert Lin Guorong (Honorary Secretary 05/06), Rtr. Liew Shi Lei, Rtr. Jaslyn Kang Xingrong, Rtr. Tan Bingxian (President 05/06 - RAC Republic Poly), Rtr. Ang Kah Hian (President 05/06 - RAC Singapore East), Rtr. Dennis Toh, Rtr. Amanda Huang Huiping, Rtr. Aksel Yap, Mr. Alvin, Ms. Justine Tan Qi Xiang, Ms Yuan Yi and also not forgetting the kind volunteers from SAFRA Tampines.
A truly meaningful day of Fellowship Through Service. Everybody brought home a smile on their faces.
Picture: A happy Guoxing our Community Service Director 05/06
Pictures are available for viewing by clicking on the eyes' candies on the right panel.
Sunday, November 20, 2005

Photo from the last rollerblading outing at ECP on 3rd of October 2005.
Interested in learning rollerblading?
We are rollerblading regularly every alternate weekends and learning basic rollerblading techniques. Please contact President Matthew at 8100 9301 should you be keen so that we can fill you up at the next rollerblading outing.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Subject: DRRe Nomination NOW OPEN!!!
Date: 19 November 2005
To: Presidents & Hon. Sects. of RACs in District 3310
CC: Rotaract District Team 05/06, ZDs, PDRR - Oscar, Swan Chin & Samuel
Dear all,
As planned at the beginning of my term, the DRRe should be elected preferably by end of this year or early next year to ensure a smooth transition of duties and follow thru.The criteria listed below are with reference to past criteria for the nomination and election of DRRe. I hope that clubs will take care in choosing the nominees and vote wisely.Last but not least, I encourage rotaractors to come forth and run for DRR. It's a GREAT personal learning experience with wonderful fellowship and of course food awaiting around the Zones in District 3310. Go for it!!!
1) DRRe Election Time-Line
Closing Date for nominations - 31 Dec 2005 (Kindly email duly completed application form, nomination AND supporting letter to )
Circulation of eligible CVs to all Presidents/Secretaries for voting by all clubs Confidential * balloting open for 2 weeks by email (Email address will be disclosed when nominations are closed and balloting is officially open. *ONLY DRR is allowed access to this email)
Proposed announcement of DRRe - January /February 2006
2) Selection of DRR-nominee through Ballot-by-Mail Procedure ONE vote per club. Members of the club have to unanimously agree on the same candidate.
3) Qualifications and criterias of DRR-nominee
- Must have served 1 FULL TERM as club President of a Rotaract club, this does not include using District Board membership as qualifying criteria for running project(s) as it is different from leading a club
- Be a member in good standing of a functioning club in the district that has no outstanding indebtedness to the district
- Be younger than 29 years old as of 1 July, so that he/she is not older than 30 years old when taking over as DRR and can serve as IPDRR no later than 31 years old
- Should have been nominated by his/her home club (as sign of support) AND any other club from another zone (to ensure support from other parts of the district)
4) Attributes of DRR- nominee
- Have their professional work well organised so that they are able to give the time necessary for Rotaract
- Demonstrate willingness, commitment and ability to be able to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the office of DRR
- Must demonstrate knowledge of qualifications, duties and responsibilities of DRR
- be given specific responsibilities by the DRR in connection with district committees or district organisation
- be invited by DRR to attend as an observer all district meetings
- be considered by DRR for assignment to participate in the program of the district conference and assembly
Audrey Cheong
DRR 05/06
District 3310
Monday, October 31, 2005
Kids' Outing to Singapore Zoo
The Rotaract Club of Marina City in partnership with SAFRA Tampines will be working hand in hand in this community service project to bring 30 children from the Tampines Family Service Centre to visit the Singapore Zoo on the 19th of November which is a Saturday from 9am to 2.30pm.
Details of this project are as follow.
Venue: Singapore Zoo
Date: November 19, during school holidays
9.00am - Depart from Tampines Family Services Centre
10.00am - Arrive in Singapore Zoological Gardens
10:05 to 10:25am - Polar Bear Feeding
10.30 to 10.50 - Wonders of the Wild show
11:30 to 11:50pm - Elephants at work
12.00 to 12:30pm - Hamadryas Baboons exhibit
12:35 to 12.50pm - White Tigers at Tiger Trek
1.00 - 2.00pm - Lunch
2.05pm - 2.30pm - Fun Quiz/ Games
2.35pm - Return back to Tampines Family Services Centre
Interested to volunteer for this community service project?
At least 10 volunteers are needed.
We welcome all Rotaractors & Interactors or essentially anyone with a good heart for the community & volunteerism.
Please contact President Matthew at 8100 9301 or via email at should you be interested.
Thank you!
Confirmed Rotaractors & Guests: Picasso, Guoxing, Shi Lei, Dennis, Xingrong, Bingxian (President, RAC RP), Ang Kah Hian (President RAC, Singapore East), Matthew (President, RACMC), Alvin (Guest of Rtr. Lilian) & Justine Tan (Guest of Matthew)
Saturday, September 24, 2005

RAC Kota Kinabalu Installation
Congratulation to President Dawn Anna, BOD 05/06
& fellow Rotaractors of the Rotaract Club of Kota Kinabalu
on your successful installation on 24th September 2005!
Wish your club all the best for the new Rotaract term ahead
as you work together to realize the projects and plans you have
for your Rotaract Club and the community.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
BEZO 2005 at Downtown East Chalet
Yes we have a fellowship that was par excellence at Bezo 2005.
Many thanks to OC Picasso Lin Guorong as well as members of the Organizing Committee for the extra miles they went to make sure that everything went smoothly. Not forgetting our Senior Rotaractors like PP Rtr Jerry, PP Rtr Jane, IPVP Rtr Aksel, Rtr Huiping, Rtr Anthony Zheng Gao, Rtr Lilian Song, Rtr Lawrence Lim, Rtr Khor Kim Kim & Rtr Jaime Yun Caiwen for making their time and supported us in this club retreat.
Special thanks to PP Rtr Jerry Lim & Rotarian Wilfred P. James for sharing their "Knowledge About Rotaract" & experiences with the participants of Bezo 2005. Not forgetting guests like Interactor Nur Hakim, Interactor Tariq, Mr Norman & Mr. Chris for coming down too and share a sunday afternoon of fun and laughter.
Congratulations to September babies who celebrated their birthdays this month namely: IPDRR Adrian Er, Vice President Shirlyn, Hon. Sec Picasso Robert Lin, Rtr Jasmine & Rtr Sabrina.
Photos for Bezo 2005 are available for download at:
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Lilies By the River 2005 - OC Lee Guoxing
Photos for Lilies By the River 2005 are available for download at:
BEZO 2005 at Downtown East Chalet
Dear fellow Rotaractors of RAC Marina City,
Rotaract Club of Marina City (RACMC) will be organizing BEZO 2005 which is a one day club retreat cum family day at Downtown East Chalet organized by our Rotaract club to let the members of the Marina City Family to get to know each other and join us for a great Sunday afternoon of fellowship!!
This include our dearest Rotarians & Interactors! We also welcome our Rotaractors to bring down their friends to join us!
Rotaract friends of District 3310 & Friends of RACMC are welcome to join us too!!
Date of Event: 18th September 2005 (Sunday)
Time: 2pm to 10pm
**Note: Program details subjected to changes & amendments by Organizing Committee
***In Addition: Chalet is available until 10.30am on MON 19th of September. Those who are interested to stay back overnight are welcome to!!!
Cost per participant is set as follow:
Rotarians - $20 per pax
Rotaractors - $10 per pax
Friends of RACMC - $10 per pax
Interactors - Free!
To register for this event, please contact Matthew at mobile +65 8100 9301 or the Organizing Chairman Picasso Robert Lin (Hon. Secretary) at +65 9455 6432
Thank you & see you at BEZO 2005!!!!
Monday, September 12, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Lilies By The River 2005
Congratulations to Organizing Chairman RTR Lee Guoxing (Community Service Director) & the Organizing Committee for this successful community service cum fund raising event. Lilies By the River was exactly as Lee has promised to be," Fun & Enjoyable" Many thanks also to all the wonderful members of RACMC who supported this project by their physical presence and mended the games stall!
See you at BEZO 2005 at Downtown East this Sunday!
Sunday, September 04, 2005

RAC Likas Bay Installation - 04 /09/ 05
Congratulation to President Yvonne, BOD 05/06 & fellow
Rotaractors of the Rotaract Club of Likas Bay on your
successful installation!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Dear Fellow Rotaractors of D3310,
Our Rotaractors (Rotaract Club of Marina City - or RACMC for short) will be taking part in the Lilies of the River 2005 Grand Finale Event on 11 Sep 2005 in an effort to raise funds both for the community as well as for our club.
Towards this end, we will be running a game stall at the event on a revenue share basis with the organisers, Viriya Community Services, and appeal for all Rotaractors of District 3310 to show their support in the purchase of tickets and/or the donation of prizes for this worthy event.
The event details are as follows: Lilies on the River 2005
Grand Finale on 11th September 2005
Guest of Honour: Mr Khaw Boon Wan, Minister for Health, MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC (Moulmein), Patron,Viriya Community Services Time: 11.30am to 8pm
Venue: Singapore River - Boat Quay ( Near UOB Plaza)
A little more on Viriya Community Services: Viriya Community Services aims to bring joy and enhance the quality of life by providing care and assistance to families and individuals in need of support regardless of race and religion.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Date: 18th Aug 2005, Thursday
Venue: Conrad Centennial Hotel
Front Row [L - R]: President David Scott, District Governor Tay Kim Ann, Assistant Governor Jagjit Singh
Back Row [L - R]: Rotarian Wilfred James, President Elect Ms. Gladys Goh, Charter President Hector Charles, President Matthew Phua, Hon. Secretary Picasso Lin Guorong, President Chew Taariq, IPP Ms. Jasmine Tai, Secretary Vincent Teo, President Lyon Chua, Dr Adrian Bai
Saturday, August 13, 2005

[L-R] Clockwise: IPDRR Adrian Er, President Matthew, Hon. Sec. Picasso Lin Guorong, Rtr. Jaslyn, Rtr. Shi Lei, Rtr. Christina Mak, Community Service Director Lee Guoxing, Rtr. Dennis Toh
Friday, August 12, 2005
Thursday, August 11, 2005

IPDRR Adrian (RAC Marina City), President Dawn Anna (RAC Kota Kinabalu), Rotaractor "Ritchie Ren" Anthony (RAC Kota Kinabalu), President Khartini (RAC Raffles City) & Rotaractor Wiu Peiyan (RAC Raffles City)
Share Rotaract With Your Friends Today!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Flashes of random pictures of our Journey through Rotaract
[L-R] Suresh Ming, Jerry Lim & Michael Choy
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Good evening everybody,
Yes!! We had a great Joint Rotaract Installation on 6th of August 2005, Saturday and the fellowship is par excellence.It was no easy task to bring more than 100 Rotarians, Rotaractors,Interactors & Guests together on a night like this & I am proud to say that everybody from RAC Raffles City & Marina City has managed to do it and in style!!
Well done & Kudos to everybody in the Organizing Committee for this year Joint Installation!
Congratulation to the New Board of Directors of Rotaract Clubs of Marina City & Raffles City for 2005/2006. Let us work hand in hand together to make our Rotaract community a fun and vibrant one.
Please join me also in extending a warm welcome to the 6 new members who was successful inducted into our club last night as Rotaractors of the Rotaract Club of Marina City.
Photos from the Joint Installation have been uploaded to Multiply & can be viewed and downloaded at this URL:
Happy Singapore's 40th National Day!
Yours in Rotaract Services,
Matthew Phua
Club President 05/06
Rotaract Club of Marina City
HP: 8100 9301
Monday, August 01, 2005

Photo: One lucky guy & 5 lovely Rotaractors from RAC Singapore Poly at SP's 8th Installation 2005.
Happy Rotaracting!!
Saturday, July 30, 2005

Flashes of Random Pic
Immediate Past District Rotaract Representative Adrian Er at RDA 2005 with Rotaractors President Kegan of Rotaract Club of Singapore Polytechnic & Vice President Junming of the Rotaract Club of Singapore East
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Monday, July 18, 2005

Dear Fellow Rotaractors of Rotaract District 3310,On 16th of July 2005 (Saturday), the Rotaract Club of Marina City participated in the JumpStart! event organized by the Rotary Club of Marina City.
The JumpStart! is a fun walk and jog at the Lower Pierce Reservoir.
We were pleased to have President Wee Yik Chuang to be there with us with his wonderful Rotaractors visiting us all the way from Rotaract Club of Kota Melaka. Not forgetting Rotaractor Tan Bingxian from RAC Republic Poly & Rotaractor Aries from Rotaract Club of Singapore East joining us for a fun walk and jog on a beautiful morning at 7.30am!!
After some tips from Rotarian Jude Tan from Starhub, the Rotaractors were raving to run on a special trail prepared by Rotarian Jude himself...
Rotaractor Tan Bingxian is a competent runner and running very fast and sprinting with Rotaractor Aries through Upper Thomson Road...We had a wonderful time cutting through and strolling on the Board Walk next to Lower Pierce Reservoir.
There was a 20 questions quiz prepared by my Rotary President David S. Scott for the walkers. And our Honorary Member, also Nederlands Ambassador to Singapore, Hendrik van Pesch came out top in the quiz!
Potluck brunch followed after that. We had a truly wonderful fellowship run and potluck.
Reported by:Matthew Phua
President 05/06
Rotaract Club of Marina City
Friday, July 15, 2005
I attended the 20th Installation of Dunman School's Interact Club. I had an opportunity to met Mrs Yao (Vice Principal), Ms Siti (Teacher Advisor of Dunman Interact Club) & Jasmine Tai (wonderful Interactor) at the Rotary Club of Marina City's Installation at Conrad hotel earlier this month. They have invited me to their installation which I gladly obliged...
I have never attended any past Dunman School's Installation before...At first instance I thought that it will be a simple installation in a staff common room or something...and I didn't dress overly formal...I was dressed in my shirt and pants minus the tie too...Later did I realised that the Dunman School actually give a lot of support to their Interact Club...
After registering my name on the guest book together with AG Rotarian Jagjit Singh, Rotarian Wilfred James & Rotarian Dr. Adrian Bai, we were ushered into the school hall by the principal of Dunman School Mrs Edelweis Neo, Vice Principal Mrs Yao, teachers like Miss Siti and Mrs Sundram and wonderful Interactors....We were warmly welcomed by the likes of 1000++ over students, fanfare and even given red carpet treatment! I swear my heart was thumping really fast...Really amazing...Its like I was back in secondary school once more...the youth of the students revigorated me....the performance they put up for us...obvious that they have spent....
The lighting of candles for Installation of new Board of Directors for Dunman Interact Club and diminishing of candles for outgoing Pres and BODs was so nicely done accompanied by a lovely pianist playing Canon in D. Yes that lovely Korean movie theme song....I heard about Interact Club but never have I seen such a amount of patronage towards Rotary International from a school under the Ministry of Education, Singapore...You can see that the school were very appreciative of the works of the entire Rotary movement...
Mrs Edelweis Neo (Principal of Dunman School) invited me on stage & presented me a token of appreciation. I have never seen anything like that...There was the refreshment that follows after the Installation and I had the opportunity to talk to my Interactors...They have so much ideas and passion for their Interact movement that I was really inspired by their boundless energy.
Truly Amazing
Sunday, July 03, 2005

David on top of the World with Rotaractors of D3310 at Mt. Kinabalu!!
Share Rotaract With Your Friends Today!
Saturday, July 02, 2005
The Rotaract Club of Marina City will be participating in the First fellowship event of the year together with the Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Marina City and our young Interactors from Dunman School and St Andrew's School, a fun walk and potluck at Peirce Reservoir Park.
Its time to sign up for the Jumpstart! walk and Potluck. This is a great opportunity for fun and fellowship. Let's get at least 30 people involved. Friends of the Rotaract Club of Marina City are welcome to join us!!
Received email from President David S. Scott that our honorary member Ambassador Hendrik van Pesch has confirmed that he is coming!! Come meet him before he relocates to Belgium as the Netherlands Ambassador.
When: 16 July, 2005. Arrive at 7:30am, walk starts at 8.
What: about a half hour walk up the road and back along the trail, followed by a Potluck brunch. For runners, our Rotarian Mr. Jude Tan from Starhub will be organizing a longer path. Those interested in running should contact him.
Where: Lower Peirce Reservoir Park Car Park. It is off Old Upper Thomson Road. It is an easy walk from the bus stop on Upper Thomson Road.
Contest: there will be "twenty questions" for self organized teams of 1-5 people, with PRIZES!! If you are coming, please reply by next Saturday, with the names & the number of people in your party and what kind of food and beverage you plan to bring to share by emailing me at
Should you require further clarification or further information, please do not hesitate to call me at my mobile +65 8100 9301
See you there!
Friday, July 01, 2005
Date:Thursday, 30th June 2005
Time: 12.30pm
Venue: Conrad Centennial Hotel
It was a great honour to be invited by my Rotary President, Dr. David S. Scott to attend this year installation.
Mr Wilfred P. James was the Master of Ceremony for the Installation.
There were quite a number of many familiar faces at the installation. IPDG Dr Ivor, DG Tay Kim Ann & First Lady Pet Tay, PDG Philbert Chin, Daisy Irani from Under One Roof's fame.
I had the opportunites to meet the Interactors, the teacher advisors and Principals of Dunman School and St Andrew's School. Mrs Yao, VP of Dunman School asked me my club plans and yes I intend to go into Youth Development.
I am confident that my Rotary Club will support my plans for the Club this year :)
On a side note. Rotarian Heinrich Grafe gave me 3 tickets to the Singapore International Piano Festival 2005 to listen to Noriko Ogawa's performances tomorrow at Victoria Concert Hall. Will be going there with Jerry & Jane, my fellow rotaractors from RAC Marina City. I think it will be a wonderful Friday evening. TGIF :)) Have a great weekend ahead!!
Matthew Phua
President 05/06
RAC Marina City
Monday, June 20, 2005
Went to Kota Kinabalu for Rotaract District Assembly from the 15th - 19th of June 2005 with the Rotaractors of D3310.
The Rotaract Club of Marina City sent 4 delegates for this RDA comprising of DRR Adrian Er, Rtr Jerry Lim, Rtr David Chung & myself.
We took a cab from Queen's Street up to Johor Bahru Senai Airport. After the formalities of checking in with the front desk of Air Asia, we boarded the plane to Kota Kinabalu Airport. When we got to KK Airport, Randy as well as members of Rotaract Club of KK and Sorensen from Rotaract Club of Kuching were there to welcome and receive us. We had our dinner together. After that some of us went for durians fellowship and some of us went for a couple of drinks to catch up with each other, especially that we have not seen each other for a long time. RDA was par excellence with Rotaractors from RID3300 and RID 3400 there as well.
We had our workshop and sessions to guide on the dos and don'ts of being a Rotaract Club President, and also forming our BODs, membership development. There were sharing sessions as well as exchanging ideas with other Rotaractors of the other District. For example we had Tutik Anastasia and Agus Heryanto from Indonesia to share with us their projects at the Rotaract Club of Bali Kuta.
Cheers to OC President Rotaractor Jack Hang and his hardworking committee for organizing such a wonderful RDA.
We also took up the challenge to climb Mount Kinabalu. The peak Low's Peak is named after Sir Hugh Low, who made the first recorded attempt to scale the peak in 1851. He never made it to the top, but his assistant did & got the peak named after him anyway. The peak is sacred to the Kadazan people as they believe it to be the resting place of their dead.
Mt Kinabalu, which lies in Sabah in northern Borneo, is at 4100 m the highest peak between the Himalayas and Papua New Guinea. The climb begins at the Timpohon gate (1866 m altitude) and climbers usually make it to the Laban Rata resthouse at 3300 m on day one. Most of the climbers leave the next morning between 2am and 3am in order to reach the summit at 6am to experience the spectacular sunrise. For myself, I was some where near to Donkey Ears's Peak (7.5km) when the attitude up there was making it very difficult for me to breathe. For every 10 steps I took to move forward, I got to pause and stop to rest before going further. I didn't want to give up given that I was already so near to Low's Peak (8.72km) especially having came so far already. Johari Yap and his wife & Jason and his girlfriend Rachel (RAC Kota Malacca) gave up at the Sayat - Sayat Hut.
When they gave up, I almost gave up as well. There were nobody I know beside me anymore. It was so scary, I had only a couple of Sabahans' mountain guides beside me. At that moment I saw the Lance Armstrong's LiveStrong wristband that PP Jerry gave me before our ascend up Mt Kinabalu. It sort of gave me the courage to go forward especially that the Joharis and the Jasons decided to give up because of the extreme weather conditions. To make things worse, the grounds were getting very slippery as the fogs were coming in and there was a lady from Melbourne who I had a couple of words with at Laban Rata resort before giving up too.
At that moment, I asked God to give me the strength to reach Low's Peak. I believe God heard me cause he sent Joanne. Joanne who was from the Rotaract Club of Ampang was almost giving up somewhere near the South's Peak. I was so relieved and happy to see her cos I don't want to leave Kinabalu with regrets in my life. We walk slowly and encouraged each other. When I stopped to take a rest, Joanne will stopped to encourage me on. When she wanted to give up I will encourage her too until both of us got to Ugly Sister Peak. We heaved a sigh of relief when we saw our friends at USP taking photos and our fellow Rotaractors cheering us on. President Jack, PE Wee Yik Chuang, President Dharma, Kathy & Andrew, Suresh & Dayana, Keagan & David, Michael, Randy, Boon, Neraj. I sweared that I almost cried when I saw all of them. They gave me the hope and made me believe that I can do it too.
Upstairs Low's Peak the rest already descended. Randy Chong, Nicholas Boon & Michael Choy were there beside me together with my dear Joanne and Yoke Keng. The sight was unbelievable until I was moved to tears on top of Low's Peak.
Many thank to IPP Jack our OC for kickstarting our Journey Through Rotaract!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
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