Wow, It been really somewhile since i last wrote in here back three mth ago.
OK Here the update,
Had quite a few wonder ups n downs in life for the pass few mth.
Such as attending shirley 21st bday celebration at east coast park. Finally had a chance to see her bf. keke.

Well bside attending friends bday celebration and catching up with old friend from poly. I am also keepin my self occupite with studies and event scuh as now i am trying to finish off my final year project reports.
On top of tat running my club event which i am goin to hold a 3 days kids fiesta as this is my third times attending and running the events with my volunteers from NJC and club members and also some very gd buddies from my secondary sch and poly mates who have attended this event b4.
Now everything is running quite smoothly with the coming up volunteer training which me and the center goin to conduct for all the volunteers on how to handle with kids and wat the objective of service learning.
Bside running and junggling with sch and club events, my RAC MC is going to have a upcoming event which is the installation for the new coming yr of 06/07. What is all this about some of you may be wondering, this is a event whrby the old Board for hte yr 05/06 has come to an end and will be handing over to the next batch of leaders to carry on the lineage to brong RAC MC up to a higher lvl. As for me will be from a community service director of yr 05/06 will be taking over the position of Vice-President for the new yr 06/07.
Haha some of you maybe wondering how come Guoxing is so enthu n passionate abt his club n why is he nt made as a president. haha
To me, President is a person who is making most of the deicision and presiding a meeting and also to guide the members n BODs to bring gd image to the club and keepin the club healthy. As for y am i in this position as vice, it for you to guess and for me to know the outcome of ur answer. haha. But in short to say, weather who is the president of the club it not really a matter as it stil voice down to the person itself as in is he/she enthu and passionate about being a rotaractor and want to help the community at large.
Below is a picture of me and the next president.

Below is another Photo with the new board of directors for the coming yr of 06/07
with absent of apologies who was unable to turn up is our dear lilian who is our incoming international director and also the district scretary of yr 06/07

OK Here the update,
Had quite a few wonder ups n downs in life for the pass few mth.
Such as attending shirley 21st bday celebration at east coast park. Finally had a chance to see her bf. keke.

Well bside attending friends bday celebration and catching up with old friend from poly. I am also keepin my self occupite with studies and event scuh as now i am trying to finish off my final year project reports.
On top of tat running my club event which i am goin to hold a 3 days kids fiesta as this is my third times attending and running the events with my volunteers from NJC and club members and also some very gd buddies from my secondary sch and poly mates who have attended this event b4.
Now everything is running quite smoothly with the coming up volunteer training which me and the center goin to conduct for all the volunteers on how to handle with kids and wat the objective of service learning.
Bside running and junggling with sch and club events, my RAC MC is going to have a upcoming event which is the installation for the new coming yr of 06/07. What is all this about some of you may be wondering, this is a event whrby the old Board for hte yr 05/06 has come to an end and will be handing over to the next batch of leaders to carry on the lineage to brong RAC MC up to a higher lvl. As for me will be from a community service director of yr 05/06 will be taking over the position of Vice-President for the new yr 06/07.
Haha some of you maybe wondering how come Guoxing is so enthu n passionate abt his club n why is he nt made as a president. haha
To me, President is a person who is making most of the deicision and presiding a meeting and also to guide the members n BODs to bring gd image to the club and keepin the club healthy. As for y am i in this position as vice, it for you to guess and for me to know the outcome of ur answer. haha. But in short to say, weather who is the president of the club it not really a matter as it stil voice down to the person itself as in is he/she enthu and passionate about being a rotaractor and want to help the community at large.
Below is a picture of me and the next president.

Below is another Photo with the new board of directors for the coming yr of 06/07
with absent of apologies who was unable to turn up is our dear lilian who is our incoming international director and also the district scretary of yr 06/07

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