last pic taken b4 heading back to singapore.

isn't this beutiful sceniery

This is the bridge whr we see the sunrise

This is my group team B

wat over there..Look!!!

wow wow, this is the whole group brough to all our viewer from the coutesy of Sch of EEE n Buiness

this is a grp pic from the Sch of EEE with our lecturers

anyway, we a re a big families. bearing no graduges n happy always.

Look this poor guy is being bullied by us.haahaa. oooo we are so cruel

heyhey, a new additional bro has join us in this families. welcome aboard.haahaa

this is a families of brothers n sisters

quick fast, januar falling,

Look whis is wat we can do.haa

the three maskerteer

hey this me acting macho in here.haha

another group pic with the gala comm.

oooo it jus the three ranger trying to act as if they really look great.haa

the pretty girls.....taking pic. hey hey wat goin on the back while taking the pic..

making faces

diff shot

another pic of the gala comm

group of the official of photographer

group pic of the whole gala comm

a closer look at the back. wat that. haahaa, i oso dunno.

wat behind us?

singing the 2nd song

we singin a song while walking back the along the bridge. Can make a guess wat we singing.haa

this is on the other side of the sunrise, nice?

nice rite

oooo it really nice

Gek:"Look the sun is coming out, isn't it tat nice"

hey hey group pic with the sunrise

me taking a pic with the sunrise

taking a shot along the brigde to get a clearer view of the sunset

preparing to take the shot of the sunrise


This is the sunrise which we took. isn't that nice.
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