Here the Picture that i promise that i'll deliver for all to see. The gang of EEE n SB
that was over at Batam for the pass four day and three night.

Group Leader, Listen Up. Later on.......

OKOK Going to take the Ferry soon, Be patient.

Hey say cheese to the camera infront of you.

Eager look on all the leaders face

Yeah finally we going aboard the ferry...

Ok Gentleman n ladies, We have arrive at batam. pls queue up and get our passport chop...

Queuing up

Hey say cheese to the camera infront of you.

Walkin down the step in Turi beach resort

yup ladies n gentleman, post for a pic for the sch of eee

wahaha, finally had my first meal of the day in turi beach resort. yum yum great lunch

sign board welcoming us

snap shot of the turi beach resort swimming pool

swimming pool 2


gearing up for our first activities

Wat this are we doing?? haha building our raft with limited equipment..

OK finally our raft is ready to move off to the sea. Mr toh n Jeffery came joinin us to raft with us

this is jus another activities which i lead my team for the trekking

yeah hiphip hooray to our accomplish task..

nice scinery at the top.

nice view rite

nice scinery at the top.

Oh my wat this?? this is a airgun. the pallet contain paintball. we are gonna have a wargame with the opposite team to see who the last man standing.

The instructor is giving a safety briefing to all the leaders.

The facilitator n mr toh giving us a debrief on what we had done during the trekking n the paintball wargame.

this is another activities. learning to trust each other. with the game call trust fall. this is my most favourite game of all.

"Ready to Fall", "Ready to Catch".

This is also another good game. but i do not like this game at all. cus i am at the bottom base to support the fellow who at the top. shoulder very very the pain as all the weight is on you.

"hey hey becareful, support each other ok dun fall into the poison river."

"Arghhhhhh, watch it!! almost touching the string.", "feel so comfortable being carry over".

Having a swim after the raft. wat a great way to wash up rite...haaaa

Mr chee in our gourp to discuss on wat we gonna do when we return from batam as a first assignment for them. For me n some senior this isn;t the first time as i facilitate them into the discussion of the proj which we are currently doing n passing on the task n knowledge to the leaders.

another pic of me, ops i cun rem his name..haahaa,

this my rm

and this is whr i gonna slp on

of cus not forgetting this bro of mine who have been togehter with me for the pass three year. been buddin n bedding us since the first trip to cruise, thailand n now in batam.

hey hey, dun tik dirty wor... these two is our xiaomei who in the other rm.

arghhhh....wat am i doing....

Januar acting lame again.....haa

This my group tat we been together for the pass four days.,

Mr Toh n Mr Chee giving a venerable lesson on sex education on how to avoid n how to say no to pre-marital sex on this No Apologise workshop

group listenin tentatively to them as this has alway been the hottest topic in all young adult.

fast see who will be the 1st blow the balloon n burst first

hmm, dun like this mah. give it to me. i love u alot u noe...

with this big boob of my, i hope u will love me forever.

Sb gala comm, having a discussion in the nite together with us as we are all preparing for the third day gala dinner event. Look at them they may look shag, but they have lot of energy n ideas.

we are having a feast of our own from the eee

this is oso another group from sb side having a feast too

Oh my my,, the satay jus taste too gd..cun resist it anymore

oh yes the gala commitee is doing the last performance. Januar doin the rock n roll

here is an act of me approaching januar after he has whack my two son down

here lionel acted as king giving his speech in rap. announcing tat he goin to find a gy to marry his daughter

Finaleh by all the gala comm and getting everyone to join in the dance of the YMCA. All had a great fun n dance together.

After the whole event of the gala show, all the gala committee gather over at over rm to have a debrief on the whole gala event n feedback.

the comm from sb side oso giving feedback on the gala event too...all look shag as we spend many hour on preparing the event.

januar playing with light stick. he so overwhelm by that.haa
Well well guess i'll stop here for today, will continue to upload the last few remaining pic of all the group pic n sunrise later.