It been sometime since i last wrote my blog.Let update on what i have done for the pass few days.On the 17th july, after my last paper of my school common test. Robert, chritina and me went to orchard geigei and had lot of fun and laughter. We have been going out veri frequent like veri close brother and sister. Till the night we went to singapore river (boat quek) for a few drink with christina classmate.

Robert, Christina and Me
On the 18th july, early in the morning. Went down to Singapore river again as there is a carnival orgainised by the viriya commnunity. My Club (SPBS) has a game stall booth being setup there and the other club SP RAC is oso there as they have got two booths one is selling items and the other is a game stall. Their Club and my club game stall were just bside each other, well i am so lucky that it is so concidence. Robert, Christina, Peiyan and me left early the place at about 3pm to go home and wash up after the whole morning. At abt 4.30pm in the late afternoon we met up again at redhill MRT sta. to Go for Republic Poly Rotaract Club Charpter Night. It was really fun and exciting as robert and me are so close with them almost treatin all of them as brothers and sisters. Even my own Rac mc club President also say us why you these two guy are alway so close to them. Haha...But one thing that i can say, after attending so many installation in the pass few weeks i feel so lucky that i finally won a lucky draw. Haha..Of cus i mus win something i so support them they must at least return me with something rite...hehehe. Ops there is someone goin to sneeze cus i am saying their bad thing in here.hahaha. Anyway Congratulation to Rotaract club of republic poly on ur charpter night.

Group photo taken during RP charpter Night
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