This is the best leadership camp i have ever attend as i get to meet up with all the different club in Singapore POly. let my picture show u a thousand word bah...

me taking a cool picture on the first nite on board cruise

the wave is so calm...nice rite

guess whr this place b4 the tsunami

guess this place is at whr...b4 the tsunami

hmmm fly up in the air is me..haaahaa

post phuket

posing pic on a small ferries to ferry us over to phuket

guess this whr???it penang

wooo whr are we huh?? hmmm

ouch. stop tat !!!haaa

i'm over at the front of the deck near the capt area.

hmm post for another

posing again near the reel

deck7...swimming pool area

woo wowow great sumtion lunch we had...yumyum

hey hey this is the capt of the cruise it him whom bring us to the location and bring us saflely back on shore in s'pore.

Happy birthday to you.. u are so special to celebration ur bday on board the cruise. both the outgoing director n incoming director of SAA wish u happy bday

yeah post a pic with the bday girl is a must

post 1


post 3

post 4

post another with all the handsome guys

enjoying the sea breeze as the cruise is traveling at it max speed in the nite.

acting cool huh zhicheng

yann stop acting cute!!!

DO we look like couple??

or do we look better in this pic as a couple.. HAAHAA

getting ready for our catapult test. ready

getting ready to firing pin

and yesh the catapult is ready to be fired...guess how far it shot...

me n my partner in presentation our idea to the director...look at me look so stone after the effect tat i nv slp the night before.............

haa this group presentation was buiness plan indeed

our outgoin SAA director giving his last final speech to all the student club leader out there a final piece of advise......

the incoming SAA director Mr Liew giving an token of appretiation to out goin SAA director Mr Roland

A final handshake to Mr Roland

ops this suppost nt to be taken...haahaa anyway it jus a wine shop which i brough sevral bottel of it..haahaa

me taking a cool picture on the first nite on board cruise

the wave is so calm...nice rite

guess whr this place b4 the tsunami

guess this place is at whr...b4 the tsunami

hmmm fly up in the air is me..haaahaa

post phuket

posing pic on a small ferries to ferry us over to phuket

guess this whr???it penang

wooo whr are we huh?? hmmm

ouch. stop tat !!!haaa

i'm over at the front of the deck near the capt area.

hmm post for another

posing again near the reel

deck7...swimming pool area

woo wowow great sumtion lunch we had...yumyum

hey hey this is the capt of the cruise it him whom bring us to the location and bring us saflely back on shore in s'pore.

Happy birthday to you.. u are so special to celebration ur bday on board the cruise. both the outgoing director n incoming director of SAA wish u happy bday

yeah post a pic with the bday girl is a must

post 1


post 3

post 4

post another with all the handsome guys

enjoying the sea breeze as the cruise is traveling at it max speed in the nite.

acting cool huh zhicheng

yann stop acting cute!!!

DO we look like couple??

or do we look better in this pic as a couple.. HAAHAA

getting ready for our catapult test. ready

getting ready to firing pin

and yesh the catapult is ready to be fired...guess how far it shot...

me n my partner in presentation our idea to the director...look at me look so stone after the effect tat i nv slp the night before.............

haa this group presentation was buiness plan indeed

our outgoin SAA director giving his last final speech to all the student club leader out there a final piece of advise......

the incoming SAA director Mr Liew giving an token of appretiation to out goin SAA director Mr Roland

A final handshake to Mr Roland

ops this suppost nt to be taken...haahaa anyway it jus a wine shop which i brough sevral bottel of it..haahaa