Saturday, July 1, 2006

Making a Difference in The Lives of Students.

WHFSC’s School Social Work Programmes: Making a Difference in The Lives of Students.

Holiday Fiesta @ Xingnan Primary School
BY :Lee Guoxing(Organising Chairman)

The Holiday Fiesta was held from 7th to 9th Jun 2006 at Xingnan Primary School. It was a tripartite effort put in by the school social worker from Whispering Hearts Family Service Centre together with 64 volunteers from The Rotaract Club of Marina City and the Interact Club of National Junior College. A hundred and forty-four students participated in this 3-day experiential, educational and fun-filled camp.
The objectives were three folds. Firstly, to engage students in constructive activities during their holidays. Secondly, to allow students from different classes to come together to forge a greater network of friendships in school. Thirdly, to outreach to students and their parents living within the community, to raise their awareness of the Family Service Centre so that they can approach for help and assistance in family matters.
The students were engaged in all kinds of team-building activities that surfaced their leadership qualities and creativity. They visited a fish farm and learned about nature and its ecological systems. On the last day, students and volunteers put together a grand performance for parents and teachers to mark the finale of the holiday fiesta.
Students, volunteers and workers went home with tired bodies, enriched minds, enlivened spirits and the awareness that a part of their lives have been touched and changed by each other over the last three days.

You can view the picture of the event over at the link below.
Holiday Children Fiesta Day 1

Holiday Children Fiesta Day 2

Holiday Children Fiesta Day 3

Thursday, May 25, 2006

For the month of April and May 2006

Wow, It been really somewhile since i last wrote in here back three mth ago.
OK Here the update,
Had quite a few wonder ups n downs in life for the pass few mth.
Such as attending shirley 21st bday celebration at east coast park. Finally had a chance to see her bf. keke.

Well bside attending friends bday celebration and catching up with old friend from poly. I am also keepin my self occupite with studies and event scuh as now i am trying to finish off my final year project reports.
On top of tat running my club event which i am goin to hold a 3 days kids fiesta as this is my third times attending and running the events with my volunteers from NJC and club members and also some very gd buddies from my secondary sch and poly mates who have attended this event b4.
Now everything is running quite smoothly with the coming up volunteer training which me and the center goin to conduct for all the volunteers on how to handle with kids and wat the objective of service learning.
Bside running and junggling with sch and club events, my RAC MC is going to have a upcoming event which is the installation for the new coming yr of 06/07. What is all this about some of you may be wondering, this is a event whrby the old Board for hte yr 05/06 has come to an end and will be handing over to the next batch of leaders to carry on the lineage to brong RAC MC up to a higher lvl. As for me will be from a community service director of yr 05/06 will be taking over the position of Vice-President for the new yr 06/07.
Haha some of you maybe wondering how come Guoxing is so enthu n passionate abt his club n why is he nt made as a president. haha
To me, President is a person who is making most of the deicision and presiding a meeting and also to guide the members n BODs to bring gd image to the club and keepin the club healthy. As for y am i in this position as vice, it for you to guess and for me to know the outcome of ur answer. haha. But in short to say, weather who is the president of the club it not really a matter as it stil voice down to the person itself as in is he/she enthu and passionate about being a rotaractor and want to help the community at large.
Below is a picture of me and the next president.

Below is another Photo with the new board of directors for the coming yr of 06/07
with absent of apologies who was unable to turn up is our dear lilian who is our incoming international director and also the district scretary of yr 06/07

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Hiaz...Life is so meaningless.......

Well, it already the month of April.. wow time really fly real fast. But to me is like time is passing very slow..
How i wish School start next week. But will need to wait for another week b4 sch start..Arghhh..Been so boring at hm. Lazing at home n doing final year prooject and also club proj planning. At least while in sch, I am still be able to chat with my classmate while doing thing or perhap while doing fyp i can switch on my radar to scan and ogle at pretty girls in sch.
Can't wait to do all this again haha, but well i can only be able to do that in sch for the last time. Why, because this is my final semester in Singapore Poly.
Ok enuff of my lame remark above.

Just an update of What i been doing during the pass one mth since holiday both in sch and my club.

As for sch; been doing fyp almost everyday non stop. with a few hr of brk in between while doing. During every brk time i'll spent abt 2hr to see a chinese serial show which i am currently chasing. This serial movie is my cousin borrowed me, it all abt 7 guys and 7 sword that came down to save a particular clan and also preventing the evil from doing bad / harm to the clan n love story. As for now my fyp is i can say we are really on the way to completing it as it a lready more or less about 3/4 of the job.
Oh yesh been also helping out with sch of eee in the preparation of the FOP which gointo start on the 10th April till 13th April. This is my 2nd time involvement in this kinda event whrby we'll meet up all the freshy then try to bond them together so as to prepare them on what is poly life goin to be while they are goin to enbark thier 3yr of studies in poly. For me the main job scope is to get the current yr 1 who going on to yr 2 to supervise them on how to carry out the action plan and to look out for potetial leadership among the freshy and recomment to their new classes and appointing them to be the class representative. As they them self were also a classrep. Alot of student ie the new student have the kind of impression that being a classrep he/she will have a lot of duties or burden to carry on their shoulder. That is the wrong concept as in poly the classrep won;t have any burden at all, jus to basically carry out simple duties even a primary sch kids can do it also. he/she wun be ask to help lecturer carry heavy stuff or collect workbk all this is redundence as you are now a poly student and no longer a secondary or ite student. In poly we treat everyone like a young adult. Of cus being a classrep, at the every end of the semester the classrep will be awarded 4 caa point. some even classrep even get 4 cca by jus doing nutting. and on top of that classrep get the top priority to go to oversea country whras other student dun even get the chance to go. Jus like for my self, for the pass three yr as a classrep, hehe, i been on to cruise, thailand n batam trip to further enhance the leadership skill of all classrep. So Isn;t it good to be a classrep. As you all can see in my blog the video clip of the lastest trip to batam.

On top of jus doing FYP and FOP, I am also planning a proj organinse by Rotaract club of marina city which will take place in this coming june. It quite a big proj that i am embarking on, but my organinsing team and me have some experience in it as this is our 3rd time doing this kinda event and of cus getting the help from National Junior College and some very good friend of my who is willing to sacrifice their time to come join in this meaningful proj. As for now the progress it still going well smoothly with the total number of volunteers is abt more then 60 excluding the organising comm. As for my vision for this proj, my partner n me who is going to embark on the next new rotarct yr 06/07, we going to take this proj to bring it up to the district level for rotaract district 3310 in singapore to go for the district award under community service. But then again it still just a award to be recognise, the main purpose of this proj is to foster the relationship between members and making new networking of friend from other area and to learn from each other and benifit ourself thru this proj with the mind set of wanting to help the community at large with our open mind and our compassionate heart to the community at large. Had attended a Youth-in-action seminar orgainise by the Rotary district for all rotaractors and interactors. More detail of the event can refer to Rotaract Club of Marina City which has the link at the bottom of the page on the left hand colunm bar.

Yup think will write up till here.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Went to buy cny clothes

Today finally went out to get my new cny clothing. Went to suntac city to shop and shopping for clothing i finally stop at one shop and brough two pant n two shirt all from the same shop. Cause I can currently only afford these at the moment as still studying not enuff enuff money to buy branded.
Shop from 2 plus till abt 6plus then came hm for dinner.. Haha must be wondering am i shopping along or with someone or with friend?
Hahaa I shall let you guys go pondor over it.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Just a little bored

Hmm, this week a little relex as there no classes for all the 3rd year student in sch of eee as this week is also the week of all the poly open hse. Except for Republic poly which had their open hse in the new campus in woodland had already ended on Tuesday. Everyone who is in the engineering course in SP will be displaying their Final year proj to the public. Not all proj. will be display in the Spnovex as proj that had went thru several rdns selection before these proj is being selected will be highlighted in the open hse. I would like to congratulate those friends of which proj is being highlighted.
As for those whose proj not highlighted, dun be dispair. Take this as a week of hoilday to brk ourselve from sch work or take this time to work on our miniproj which is accounted for in our modules and continue to improve on our FYP..

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

24SA Reunion gathering 2006

It was a faithful Saturday, I was at home sprinng cleaning my humble little room. My room was in a big mess with 3 to 4 big bag full of rubbish. I din know my room so full of rubbish for just a year since I last spring cleaning in jan 2005. After I about to spring cleaning finish my room, a call from my old buddy in national service asking me why i have not come to meet up as they are all waiting for me. Arghh.... I have actually got mix up with the date that i suppose to have a gathering ever since our ORD three years back.
So i hurriely complete my stuff and took a quick bath and rush down to meet them up. HAHA it like a long time I nv been rushing about to get to a place from home to suntec city. I just remenbered it back while serving my NS i was rushing about to get thing done or get thing to be done as soon as possible. HAHA.

The pioneer batch of 24SA Sergents from Radar Battery.
All 10 Sergents present.

The pioneer batch of 24SA Mens from Radar Battery.
Absent with reason about 4 more mens.

The pioneer batch of 24SA Sergents and mens from Radar Battery.

Friday, January 6, 2006

What Busy Week!!

Well, today thursday and I am still working hard on my MST for tomorrow last paper. This still considered not that bad as things still the same except for preparing exam. Well this the usual life of a typical students of all singaporean. Right?
Anyway tml is my final paper, must jiayou then after that go join with my usual gang for dinner then go sentosa. Which is still the tentative plan for now. I'm praying hard tml if can drive out tml or nt, if nt no choice loh. Cus I presume tml there might be lot of ppl then our usual gang which consist of Yongsheng, Desmond, Terence n me.
Well, shall write up to here as for a fresh new beginning of 2006.
Hope this year will bring me luck n thing will goes on smoothly.